Rachel Holle
“If the essence of my being has caused a smile upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart. Then in living- I have made my mark.” This quote by Thomas L. Odem Jr. is something that was said to me a few years back and since then has not been forgotten. It is a response to the way I feel when someone is so unapologetically who they are, which I try to be as often as possible. Who am I? Good question. This is something I have been trying to find a good answer to over the years. People say all the time “so tell me about yourself” and honestly, where does one go from there. How do you begin telling people the vastness of who you are? I guess for me I am more interested in rawness. I like digging deep and actually having a real conversation with someone. Small talk is the bane of my existence. I like hearing what people are interested because whenever someone is passionate about something their eyes light up and they start talking really fast. My name is Rachel Holle and I’m a sophomore here at Stout. I’m a communication major with a concentration in journalism. My whole life I have been told that math and science are the most important and that I should spend most of my time studying those subjects; but instead I found myself drawing, reading, and writing, which explains why I’m here. I do my best to find at least one thing everyday to smile about. This world has become so cold, so if there is anything I can do to change that, I will. I spend a lot of time in nature to discover things about myself and about the world I live in. I surround myself with people I love and care about because having negative vibes can destroy any good that may be trying to push through that.